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Please give me some comments on my PS!
I'm applying for Philosophy at UCL, Kings College, Manchester, Sussex and Queen's Belfast.

I've just sent it off now but I'm regretting it and I don't know whether i'm entirely happy with my statement. What do you think?

Sitting in a small classroom in France struggling with the demands of a terminal class in a
foreign language I got my first taste of Philosophy. Of all the lessons I attended during my
French exchange I found philosophy, a subject I had never encountered, the most exhilarating.
It allowed me to discuss a wide array of topics with a level of freedom I had never
experienced in other subjects. Having an innate passion for asking why and challenging face
value answers philosophy was the perfect facility for disciplining my natural curiosity.
Despite being held back by a language barrier the philosophical ideas I was able to fathom in
France sparked my enthusiasm for philosophy.
Motivated to take my fascination further I took Philosophy to A level. I have found it a
captivating yet demanding subject. My biggest challenge in Philosophy came from a family
crisis. Watching my Granny deteriorate with Alzheimer's this year my Granddad turned helpless
to me and asked 'What kind of God would allow this to happen?' Here theodicies seemed
useless. As Granddad began to question his beliefs I began to challenge the foundations of
mine. I began to rigorously re-evaluate and live through my subject exploring questions that
had suddenly been brought home to me. Philosophy is often criticised for raising more
questions than answers, though exploring questions is a crucial part of understanding and
extending knowledge.
Recent world affairs have prompted me to look beyond western philosophy so I began to read
into eastern philosophy (Siddhartha - Hesse, An introduction to Chinese Philosophy - JeeLoo
Liu, Introduction to Medieval Islamic Philosophy - Leaman). When studying war I found this
spurred creativity in my answers as I could consider issues from a variety of philosophical
view points. Although I expected eastern ideals to contrast with works I had already studied
(such as Plato, Descartes) I found many similarities especially between Indian and Western
philosophies which share the same concepts as idealism, dualism of body and mind and address
the same problems within meta-physics.
It shows that philosophy is without geographical boundaries as the search for knowledge is
intrinsic to humanity.
I enjoy music and I will sit my grade 8 piano this spring. My enthusiasm for the piano has
allowed me to teach to 4 pupils. The logic and analytical skills I have developed through
philosophy have enhanced my ability to teach and explore a problem a pupil has through a
different mind. I enjoy working with the children and watching their skills, styles and love
of the piano develop. In completing my Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh awards I was
introduced to new interests such as hiking and trampolining which I hope to pursue further.
The service I completed for D of E has inspired me to volunteer with the scouts. I regularly
work with them as a rehearsal pianist preparing them for their annual 'Gang Show'.
In my own time I love dancing and have reached high grades in many disciplines. I have been
successful in several auditions which have allowed me to enjoy dancing at a professional
level. Throughout school I have been able to develop these skills, performing in the school's
cabarets, singing in carol concerts and representing my school in the York dance festivals. I
was lucky enough to be involved with the Royal Ballet's 'outreach' programme in which I
worked closely with the London Royal Ballet for a year resulting in a performance in convent
garden. Dancing also brought me my first taste of university life as I choreographed and
performed a piece at a York university show put on by their Dance SOC. It highlighted how
much I am looking forward to other opportunities my interests will bring during university.
As neither of my parents went to University I feel very privileged to have the opportunity to
further explore my love of Philosophy and I cannot wait to start the course and enjoy the
social independence that next year can offer.
Thanks, Harriet

sounds good love
thats a nice ps. wish i could write one like dat, i'm strugglin wit mine for biomedics at the moment. well done.
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