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Law with Business Personal Statement
I would only add that getting into Michigan was a BIG surprise, on account of my sub par GPA (and based on my long list of rejections at other schools), and so I'd like to add one other thing that potential law students reading this blog could take away from my experience:
If you're applying to a Tier 1 law school with, let's say, no better than a 3.08 GPA, then try to put yourself in a post-graduate situation that you can't find at a job recruitment fair. When you eventually settle into a situation (whether it be transient or in a static location), work as hard as you can at it. CRUSH it. Even if 'it' means busting tables in a restaurant overseas, a crushed 'It' will give you character, and make great fodder for an interesting story when you decide to apply for school, or a job. I definitely couldn't have hoped for as much (in terms of getting into a school) three years ago

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RE: Law with Business Personal Statement - by jackydenel - 09/03/2010, 12:39 PM

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