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Nursing Course

I'm trying to write my personal statement for a nursing course. I'm only applying to one university and one course and so really want to get in. In the prospectus for this university it says that some experience of care work is a requirement and although I'm hoping to begin working as a care assistant soon I don't know if I should include this information. My only other experience of care is caring for my parents who have numerous disabilities, however I'm trying to be really careful and avoid 'playing the sympathy card' and was wanting an opinion on including this.

I had planned for the paragragh to mention that I had basic first aid knowledge and an insight into various conditions (perhaps including the names of these) that I may come across as a nurse as well as appreciating that diabilities don't make a person.Thus focussing more on what I'd gained that was related to nursing. Any advice?


Messages In This Thread
Nursing Course - by Guest - 10/10/2006, 10:59 PM
RE: Nursing Course - by Guest - 11/10/2006, 10:41 AM
RE: Nursing Course - by Guest - 11/10/2006, 03:00 PM

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